Saturday, March 4, 2017

Definition, Functions and Types of Vitamins

Pengertian, Fungsi dan Jenis-Jenis Vitamin

Hey all!... this time I want to talk about the definition of vitamins, vitamins functions and types of vitamins or a variety of vitamins and sources of the types of vitamins or where it exists or can be found.

Vitamins certainly is not a new thing we know, especially Vitamin C, surely everyone knows about Vitamin C, but not only that vitamin there are many types or kinds of vitamins. As mention above, first of all we will discuss about the notion of vitamins, what the heck is that vitamin? ... Vitamins are chemical compounds that can not be made by the body, but indispensable for the growth and development of the body. The body needs vitamins in small amounts, but constantly. Vitamin function for cell growth, regulate and improve the function of organs, and regulate the use of food and energy.

1. The Function of Vitamin in General.
There are many types of vitamins that has its own functions, for this time we will give vitamins function in general. The function of vitamin generally as follows :

  •   As a regulate substances in the body
  •  Serves to strengthen teeth and bones
  • Accelerating Growth
  • Strengthen the body's resistance to disease
  • Speeding up the process of healing disease
  • Maintain and improve fitness
  • Slowing down the aging process
  • Build up the immune system
  • Keep your body fresh and eliminate fatigue
  • Vitamin is also expected to serve as catalysts in biochemical reactions of the body

2. Functions, Sources and Types of Vitamins
A variety of vitamins are known functions and resources of various kinds or types of vitamins are as follows :

a. Vitamin A (Retinol)
Vitamin A is a vitamin that is important to maintain and care for beauty skin to remain smooth and delicate. Another very important function is to the growth of the body and maintain eye health. Vitamin A is found in carrots, green vegetables, sweet potatoes, squash, avocados and watermelon. Sources of vitamin A from food is still in the form of provitamin A. Furthermore, in the liver, provitamin A is converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to night blindness and xeroftalma. Xeroftalmia disease causes the eyes to dry so that resulted in the blindness.

b. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Vitamin B1 is a vitamin that is essential for the body. The function of vitamin is to increase appetite and regulate the function of the means of digestion and nerve function. The best source of vitamin B1 are grains that still have the epidermis, sprouts, wheat, yeast, and dry beans. Vitamin B1 deficiency will cause disorders of the nerves, fatigue, digestive less than perfect, as well as causing the disease beriberi.

c. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin B2 plays an important role in the growth of the body, maintain healthy skin, healthy hair, healthy hair, nails maintaining health, and helps metabolize carbohydrates to obtain energy. Sources of vitamin B2 are milk, nuts, eggs, and yeast.

d. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 to function in body growth, maintain healthy skin and rmabut, reduce nausea and relieve motion sickness, reduce spasms arm, and prevent pellagra or rough skin (inflamed). Sources of vitamin B6 are grains that still have husk, corn, fish, and yeast. Vitamin B6 deficiency results in pellagra, insomnia, irritability, and depression.

e. Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Vitamin B12 plays a role in the formation of red blood cells and improve concentration. Sources of vitamin B12 include liver, meat, and eggs. Vitamin B12 deficiency will lead to anemia, fatigue, and skin disorders.

f. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin C plays a role in the healing process of infection as well as tackling allergies and scurvy. Sources of vitamin C include oranges, tomatoes, pineapple and fresh vegetables. Lack of vitamin C can lead to bleeding gums, hampered the process of wound healing, pain in the joints, and resistance to infection is low.

g. vitamin D
Vitamin D is needed in the process of bone formation and strengthen the framework. Sources of vitamin D include oily fish, egg yolk, milk, butter, and sea fish. Sources of vitamin D from food is still in the form of provitamin D. Sunlight will help transform provitamin D into vitamin D the skin surface. Vitamin D deficiency causes stunted growth, bowed legs, brittle teeth, and muscle spasms.

h. Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Vitamin E prevents miscarriages, infertility, and bleeding. Sources of vitamin E in the form of sprouted grains, olive oil, and coconut oil. Vitamin E deficiency causes disturbances in muscle and infertility

i. Vitamin K (Filokuinon)
Vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting process when injury occurs. Vitamin K is found in many green vegetables, soybeans, and tomatoes. Vitamin K deficiency causes blood to clot difficult.

So, that ends our discussion of understanding the Definition, Functions and Types of Vitamnis. 
I hope you like it, and stay tuned to my blog for updates on Vitamins and Supplement for your healthy life. 

And don't forget to check out all the Vitamins and Supplement you need in my STORE above in my blog.



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